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RPG Release: Degree Info now on Class List Report

February 1, 2021

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group just released an update to the report: Class List By Curriculum Course Section. The report now includes student degree information.


Advisers requested the ability to see student “degree information” fields on the report. The report still allows you to filter down to a specific quarter and course and get a list of students enrolled in the course, but the degree info now allows you to also see:

  • If a student took a course in the past, did they graduate? If so, what degree were they granted?
  • If a student is enrolled in a course in the current or a future quarter, have they applied for a degree? If so, what degree have they applied for?

Change Summary:

We updated Columns to Display filter to expose several degree attributes.

Columns to Display filter:

  • We added a new option to the “Columns to Display” filter called Degree Info
  • If you choose the Degree Info option, the report will include 4 new columns:
    • Degree Title: This column displays the full title associated with a student’s degree. For instance, “Doctor of Philosophy (Chemistry)”
    • Degree Status: This column displays the status of the student’s degree, either Applied or Granted. If the student has not applied for or been granted a degree, the report will display a blank.
    • Degree YrQtr: This column displays the academic quarter associated with the student’s degree (e.g. Spring 2020).
    • Degree Academic Yr: This column displays the academic year associated with the degree year/quarter. We provide the academic year value (e.g. 2019/2020) so that you don’t have to calculate/derive it from the Degree YrQtr field!

Please Note:

  • The report provides basic attributes of a student’s most recent degree. For more detailed student degree information, please continue to use the BI Portal report: Student Degree Information
  • The report displays one row per student per quarter per course. However, some students have multiple degrees over many years. If a student has more than one degree, the report only displays the most recent degree information.
    • For instance, if a student received a bachelors degree in Spring 2015, and has applied for a Masters degree in Spring 2021. The report will only display information about the applied-for Masters degree.
  • Graduate degrees are processed differently than undergraduate degrees. As a result, graduate advisers and other users who run the report for graduate student populations may not see “Applied” in the Degree Status column even though the graduate student has in fact applied to graduate.

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many UW institutional concepts, including Degree Status and Degree Year Quarter. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “RPG: Class List Report/Degree Info” in the subject line.