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RPG Release: Important Updates to All Applications

June 8, 2020

Based on user feedback, the Report Prioritization Group released several updates to the BI Portal report, All Applications.

Please note: The All Applications report displays data for active applications for admission to UW. Communications to undergraduate applicants should NOT be undertaken without first consulting with the respective admissions office(s).

Change Summary:

The first version of the All Applications report was released in 2015. Since then, we’ve gained lots of institutional knowledge about application data, and how it is used by the UW data user community. These updates are really about incorporating that new information, and consistent reporting standards into the report:

Report Population Update:

  • The report previously enforced a rule where, in the case when an applicant’s requested major and their (actual) assigned major are different, the applicants were excluded from the report population.There was no documented justification for this rule and we heard many requests to remove this rule.
  • We updated the report so that an applicant is included in the report based on the applicant’s first, second, or third Requested Major or their first, second, or third Assigned Major based on the user’s selection of the new filter, Major Cohort Type.

Filter Updates:

  • Major Cohort Type:
    • The report now includes a filter called Major Cohort Type, that allows the user to select the relationship between the applicant and the major:
      • Did they choose the major as one of their Requested Major(s)?
      • Was the major their Assigned Major?
      • Is the major either their Requested Major or their Assigned Major?

  • Class Filter:
    • The logic for grouping class levels in the class filter was out of date, and was inconsistent with other academic reports.
    • We updated the filter selections so that they are consistent with the user community’s expectations, and other academic reports.

  • New Filters: Consistent with other academic reports, All Applications now allows users to filter on the following attributes:
    • New, Continuing, Returning Status
    • Residency
    • Ethnicity
    • Underrepresented
    • Gender

Column Updates:

  • Race/Ethnicity:
    • This column was updated to display student race-ethnicity data based on IPEDS race-ethnicity categories
    • For more information on the IPEDS race-ethnicity categories, please see Knowledge Navigator: Student Race-Ethnicity
  • Ethnic Long Description:
    • The “Race” column was re-labeled to “Ethnic Long Description” and now displays a comma-separated list of all of the applicant-provided ethnicity values.

New Columns:

  • Consistent with other academic reports, All Applications now allows users to display the following columns (using the “Columns to Display” filter):
    • Application Number
    • NCR
    • Underrepresented
    • First Gen
    • First Gen 4 Year
    • Honors Program
    • Special Program
    • Veteran Status
    • Veteran Benefits

Known Issue:

For active applications, the report truly shows “All Applications” regardless of application status type. However, for applications for a quarter that is over 1 year in the past, the report only shows a subset of applications.

If you are looking at quarters older than 1 year, the report currently only considers students that applied and enrolled at UW. This is a known issue and we are currently working on a resolution so that the report truly shows “All Applications” for all quarters.

Questions and Feedback:

This report references many concepts like Requested Major, Student Class, and many others. To get detailed definitions for these and other terms, please check out Knowledge Navigator!

As always, if you have any questions, please write and put “RPG: All Applications report” in the subject line.