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Archiving Report: 2013 Base Year Paid FTE Report

December 2, 2019

On November 19, 2019, the ERA Team archived the 2013 Base Year Paid FTE Report due to low usage and outdated information.

Archiving: What does that mean?

Archiving simply means that we removed this report from the BI Portal, and it will no longer be accessible. The purpose of archiving is to allow our team to reduce the volume of redundant or unnecessary tools that we support, and to focus on building new higher value solutions for you!

Replacement: Where can I get this info after the report is archived? 

You can still access this information by connecting to Research Admin Data (RAD) cube.  Here is a link on how to connect to the cube – Data Cubes.  You can also find this information in Research Budget Expenditures report in BI Portal.


If you have any questions about this transition, please don’t hesitate to write us at and put “2013 Base Year Paid FTE Report” in the subject line.