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OUTAGE: H:, I:\groups, i:\snapshots

June 15, 2016

We are in the process of applying a workaround to resolve this incident.

The workaround involves a change we had planned to make in the future to upgrade the server infrastructure behind these file services. We’ve moved one large customer over to this new infrastructure already, and had planned to move another before moving all customers. That timeline is accelerating to now because the new server infrastructure is not affected by the cause of this incident.

One of the reasons we had wanted a slower timeline was to ensure we had settings tuned and adequate capacity to minimize the impact of this change. So there may be some minor issues after we’ve finished swinging everything over to the new server infrastructure, which we’ll address as issues arise.

In our initial testing of this change, we’ve seen that some client computers need a reboot to figure out the new underlying server location. In our testing that was around 10% of client computers, and is tied to information cached on the client computer so isn’t something we can easily be fixed other than with a reboot.

Group directories (i:\groups) are in the process of being moved now and should be available again in the next 15 to 30 minutes. Home directories will be moved after that, but there is another incident with a service we depend on which may affect our ability to quickly redirect home directories. So at this time, we don’t have an ETA for restoration of home directories.