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Nebula VPN Service Change for Mac Users

May 2, 2016

The Nebula VPN service for Mac users is being retired. All Mac Users will be required to switch to the new campus VPN service “Husky OnNet” before Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

There is no charge for the “Husky OnNet” service. This service is provided as part of the Technology Recharge Fee. The new service is available to UW Staff, Faculty, and Students.



Wednesday, June 1st the and the associated VPN server will no longer be available. The legacy Nebula VPN server is being replaced by


What You Need to Do:

If you are a Nebula VPN customer using a Mac, you need to switch and begin using the new campus VPN service “Husky OnNet” before May 31, 2016.

Instructions for downloading “Husky OnNet” for MacOS users are available at:

Note: Make sure your Mac only users, are removed from your VPN only eligible users group. If you are unsure of what your VPN eligibility group is, send an e-mail to


If you are a Nebula VPN customer not using a Mac, it is unlikely you will be impacted by this change. However, if after this change you encounter a problem with your Nebula VPN services, it is likely the VPN configuration on your computer is misconfigured to use the legacy Nebula VPN server. In that case, you should follow the instructions using the link below and reinstall your Nebula VPN client configuration.


More Info:

We are evaluating the new “Husky OnNet” VPN service for our Windows based clients to see if it makes sense to continue to offer the Nebula VPN service. If you would like to provide feedback