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Preliminary FY16 rates

May 22, 2015

Preliminary FY16 rates for the Nebula Managed Desktop service are available.


What and When:

As of late yesterday, preliminary FY16 rates for the Nebula Managed Desktop service were submitted to Management Accounting & Analysis (MAA). MAA provides final review and approval of rates for all cost-recovery centers at the UW.


We believe these rates will be approved, but they are not final until MAA approval. We will notify you only if these preliminary rates are not approved.


The preliminary rates are:

  • Nebula desktop rate: $34.50/desktop/month
  • Nebula file storage: $.25/GB/month


The other Nebula rates (Consulting, Nebula Windows file service, and Nebula training room for non-Nebula customers) are unchanged.


What you need to do:

If you haven’t provided an eligibility group for your department (and very few of you have), you really need to do that. Contacts for Nebula departments should visit to supply that information. This will tell us who your active users are. If you need help with this, please contact us for help.


More info:

Our desire is that no one manage user removals manually by contacting us with a long list of users to remove, unless there is an urgent need to disable access. If there is no urgent need, then you should use the new process we are establishing. That new process is that you give us an eligibility group. In bulk across all Nebula departments, we remove any Nebula account not in those eligibility groups.


We plan to make those removals before FY16 starts, and there should be more communication about that.


We plan to have an update to MyIT next week which provides you estimated costs for FY16 based on existing use. There will be more communication about that.