UW Country Names and Codes Report
We are happy to announce that you can now access a UW-approved list of country names and codes in a single report! The UW Country Names and Codes report can be accessed on BI Portal.
What is the UW Country Names and Codes report?
The University of Washington’s impact is broad and truly global, with projects and partnerships in more than 130 countries, as well as students and alumni who engage in nearly 200 countries.
Previously, the country names list used in various units across campus has not been consistent, causing problems when merging data. Over the past several years, the Office of Global Affairs, in partnership with University Advancement and UW-IT, consulted with units and stakeholders from around campus to develop a proposal for standardizing a list of country codes. The Data Governance Steering, and Operational Committees, have approved Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) as the UW country names and codes standard. This standard meets U.S. government requirements and has been approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. View UW’s Country Code Policy for more information.
The UW Country Names and Codes report lists the most up-to-date list of country names and codes using the Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes standard. Included are:
- Short name of the country name
- The two and three-letter abbreviations for the country name
- The year in which the GENC list was updated by the Country Codes Working Group (CCWG), which is a centralized body for U.S. government activities to request new country code elements.
Who should use this report?
This report can be used by anybody who has access to the Enterprise Data Warehouse and would like to look up the most recent country name.
Using the report
- Map: Click on the map to view the country name. Notice you will see additional information about the country in the tooltip.
- Search: Type in the name of the country in the search box. Press ‘Enter’ and the report will return matching results
- Table: View the full list of countries by scrolling through the table. The list of countries is in alphabetical order, by default.
Additional resources
The links below provide additional information about topics related to this report:
- UW Data Governance Country Codes initiative page: https://datagov.uw.edu/topics-initiatives/country-codes/
- UW Country Code Policy: https://datagov.uw.edu/topics-initiatives/country-codes/policy/
- Enterprise Data Warehouse release notes for Country Codes table: https://wiki.cac.washington.edu/display/EDW/University+of+Washington+Country+Code+Standard
- Enterprise Data Warehouse access: https://it.uw.edu/work/data/data-security/request-access/
- Definitions for Country Codes in the Knowledge Navigator: https://metadata.uw.edu/Catalog/Collection/Glossary/b93f9d2f-da0b-4e7e-853f-24b348b7c855
If you have questions or are having issues accessing the UW Country Names and Codes report, please submit a ticket to help@uw.edu with the following subject line: “BI Team: UW Country Names and Codes.”