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BI Portal: New Report – Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search

November 15, 2021

Now Available in the BI Portal: Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search report

Do you find it difficult to manage research proposals and related awards for one or more specified principal investigators? If you could, would you like to dive deeper into the Principal Investigator (PI) research proposal and award data by a specific Fin Org code? Would your work be easier if you could filter and analyze the PI research proposal and award data by the proposal short or long title containing specific words or phrases?

All of this and more are now available in the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), BI Portal, and Knowledge Navigator. This new report capability is the result of the partnership between the Office of Research Decision Support Services (ORIS DSS) team that developed this new report and the UW-IT Enterprise Reporting and Analytics team, this information and more are now available in the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), BI Portal, and Knowledge Navigator.

New Report:

The new Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search report, gives you detailed and summary information and the ability to analyze sponsored research proposals and awards by org, and/or by PI, and/or by keyword or phrase.

Data Used:

The report sources all of the data from existing views in the EDW RAD database. The EDW data is sourced from the Sponsored Proposal and Award data sources as entered into the SAGE suite.


Database: RAD





If you have questions about the meaning of Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search or any other terms referenced in this new report, please visit Knowledge Navigator.

If you have questions about the report or would like to provide feedback, please write to with “BI Portal Principal Investigator Proposal and Award Search Report” in the subject line.