A former Fortune 500 executive with decades of experience in IT operations, cloud platforms, data and visualization technologies has been selected as UW-IT’s new Associate Vice President for the Infrastructure division and Chief Technology Officer (CTO).
Month: August 2023
Self-sustaining rates for UW-IT services to increase in FY 2024
In response to financial impacts caused by deferred IT maintenance and refresh projects following global pandemic and supply chain disruptions, UW-IT will be increasing rates for several IT services starting Oct. 1.
Rev up your classes with Jupyter Notebook
UW faculty, do your classes rely on heavy computing use? If you’re not already using our JupyterHub service, find out what we can do for you now!
Is your UW Google Shared Drive pending deletion? Act before 8/29 to save content
Check your Shared Drive. If you see “PENDING DELETE,” review the content to see if you need to download it and save it elsewhere.
Stay informed about network problems or report them
UW-IT’s Service Status webpage quickly lets you know if there are any eOutages or network problems affecting any or all three campuses — and lets you report any incidents.
Act now to preserve Google content and access
If your unit or department is currently using UW Google with shared UW NetIDs, you will lose access to your data starting Aug. 29. Act now to migrate your work, including any content in YouTube channels and third-party apps and services connected to a Shared UW NetID.
Connect to UW network resources from off campus with Husky OnNet
Need to access files on the UW network from home? Use a UW secure virtual private network (VPN), like the free Husky OnNet for current students, faculty and staff. Off-campus access to UW resources on the UW network through remote desktop or a file-sharing application require a VPN.
UW Office 365 Yammer content going away
Do you Yammer? Make sure to download any content and files from Yammer communities you wish to preserve before Aug. 29, when everything will be deleted to make way for Viva Engage, which promises an enhanced user experience.
BI Portal offers “one-stop shopping” for finance reports
The BI Portal report catalog now allows users to access legacy and new finance reports in one place.